Thursday 17 November 2011

Sartorial Splurge x She Who Dares....

I like clothes and photography (and stuff). I used to blog at elsewhere, but now I’ve started this new blog to get these interests in some form of online order (because I also like order). Here on The Sartorial Splurge I will splurge...sartorially, whilst on my tumblr blog She Who Dares I will dare...with photography. Obviously, because I am me, this will probably not go heavily to plan and there will be a shedload of overspill but I like overspill (almost as much as I like order). So without much further ado, let's start The Sartorial Splurge!

(oh, and I also like tweeting @miss_daisychain)


P.S. If you've ever read any of my previous blogposts you would know I also like music.

Friends- I'm His Girl


  1. YAY YOU'RE BACK :-)
    i hope you update this more often than your other one!

    XO D

  2. Great blog and post! If you get a chance please check out my blog, I'm just starting out and trying to get the word out about it

