Saturday 17 December 2011

Winter Staples x The Aberdeen Diaries

So, THIS video.
If you follow me on twitter, you may have already seen it.
It's basically me and fellow blogger and University of Aberdeen student, NT of The Aberdeen Diaries, talking about our winter staples for her second vlog.

Only, I happen to be very awkward, (note the shifty eyes) and she happens to be slightly awkward, but only very slightly.

So if you want to laugh at me, watch someone who is more awkward than you, brighten up your day or actually want to know a couple of our winter staples, watch it and it might actually achieve something we wanted it to.

Tell me what you think as well, we'll appreciate it.

This is one of my favourite bands and songs of the moment. I was introduced to them at a party where me and a friend literally had to strain our ears at a speaker to listen to the haunting lo-fi goodliness of wye oak. Enjoy!
Wye oak- Holy Holy

1 comment:

  1. We adults need to play more often. You and your friend made me smile I love your accents, your are both very lovely, skip through puddles and play tag, and make snow angels with everyone watching:)
